This category is for applicants that have been previously registered with the College but have surrendered their licence for a period of time and need to re-apply for a new licence.
1. Application for registration
Complete an online re-activation application on your profile by signing on with your e-mail address and password on file with College. Please do not complete another initial application form; if you cannot recall your e-mail on file, please contact the College. The application form is a legal document. You must answer all sections completely and accurately.
Evidence Required:
3. Compile required documentation
Applicants for re-licensing must be able to demonstrate that they meet the following registration requirements:
a. Demonstration of professional liability insurance
Every occupational therapist practising in Nova Scotia must have professional liability insurance coverage to a minimum of $5,000,000.00 with a legal expenses endorsement for investigation of complaints by a regulatory body prior to engaging in the practice of occupational therapy.
Professional liability insurance for OTs can be purchased through CAOT if you are a member of CAOT. See the CAOT website for more information. You may also purchase Professional liability insurance directly through an insurer such as AON Healthcare Advantage.
Each insurance certificate is reviewed to ensure it meets registration regulation criteria and confirms that the applicant or registrant is the named insured on the policy.
Evidence Required:
Evidence Required:
b. Demonstration of good conduct
The College has an obligation to protect the public and needs to be satisfied that you do not pose a danger to clients. You are required to declare any of the following:
Evidence Required:
c. Currency hours
It is important that you practice occupational therapy in order to maintain your skills, and keep up-to-date with recent change in practice. Applicants require 600 hours in the past 3 years. If you have not met this requirement, please contact the Registrar for Re-Entry Registration options.
Evidence Required:
d. Payment of required fees
The annual licence fee is $575.00 (starting April 1, 2024) and the application fee for re-licensing applicants is $50.00. The fee may be pro-rated should you wish to practice for 3 months or less in a given registration year (June 1 - May 31). Payment may be made by cheque, EFT (, credit card or money order, payable to COTNS in Canadian funds.
4. Membership with the Nova Scotia Society of Occupational Therapists
The Occupational Therapists Act Section 27(2) requires that all registrants with the College pay the membership fees of the Nova Scotia Society of Occupational Therapists within one month of their initial registration and subsequently on the Societies renewal date; however, the College has determined that it does not have the legislative authority to enforce membership with the Society. While the College recommends applicants and registrants maintain membership with the Society, the College will not deny or suspend registration for those applicants and registrants that choose not to pay the annual fee to the Society. Please see this letter for further details.
Evidence Required:
NOTE: Additional documentation will be requested if it is not currently in your file. This documentation may include a transcript, notarized passport photo, eligibility to work in Canada documentation, NOTCE results, or documentation supporting a name change.
College staff are available to assist with the application process. Questions about documentation, qualifications, and technical problems can be asked by phone (902) 455-0556, or by email, We aim to respond to inquiries within 1-2 business days; however, delays up to 5 business days may occur due to workload, business travel, or vacation.
Completed applications may require up to 5 business days to be processed. Once a decision has been made on their application, applicants will receive written notification by email.
You cannot begin working as an occupational therapist in Nova Scotia (including worksite orientation and shadowing) until you have received notice from the College that your application has been approved.
202-1597 Bedford Hwy
Bedford, NS BA4 1E7
Phone: (902) 455-0556
© 2025 COTNS
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