Legislation and Regulations

  1. Occupational Therapists Act
  2. General Regulations
  3. Registration Regulations
  4. Personal Directives Act Nova Scotia
  5. Personal Health Information Act Nova Scotia
  6. Personal Information Protection and Electronic documents Act (PIPEDA)
  7. Professional Corporations Legislation

Practice Standards/Guidelines

  1. Code of Ethics
  2. Essential Competencies
  3. Practice Guideline: Client Records
  4. Practice Guideline:  Consent
  5. Practice Guideline: Documentation
  6. Practice Guideline: Occupational Therapy Support Personnel 
  7. Practice Guideline: Supervision of support personnel

Position Statements/ Policy Guides/ Directives

  1. Occupational Therapists Pandemic Planning
  2. Guide to the Apology Act
  3. Guide to the Personal Directives Act
  4. Guide to PIPEDA
  5. Remedying a breach of security


  2. CAOT
  4. GoCanadaOT
  5. ISANS







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