The Credentials Committee reviews registration decisions made by the Registrar in accordance with the Occupational Therapists Act and Regulations. The Credentials Committee is also responsible for the development and review of registration policies and procedures to be presented to the College's Board for approval.
The College maintains a continuing competency program to support, monitor, and ensure that occupational therapists in Nova Scotia are competent to practice. The Continuing Competency Committee is responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating the continuing competency program.
The Practice Committee develops and maintains the standards of practice that occupational therapists are expected to achieve. The Practice Committee also explores, debates, and provides recommendations to the College's Board on practice issues.
The Investigation Committee investigates concerns about a member's practice that have been brought to the attention of the College in a proactive, fair, transparent, and efficient manner.
The Nominations Committee is appointed to oversee the election of College Board Members.
There are positions for both occupational therapists and public members on College committees. If you would like to join a committee, please contact the College at
202-1597 Bedford Hwy
Bedford, NS BA4 1E7
Phone: (902) 455-0556
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