Professional corporations offering occupational therapy services in Nova Scotia must be registered with the College.  


To apply, you must submit a complete an application form along with the following documents to the registrar:

-        The fee

-        Certificate of Incorporation

-        Certificate of Status showing that they are in good standing

-        Proof of Liability Insurance


When reviewing an application, the registrar will review whether the corporations is aptly named and that the majority of share owners and directors are occupational therapists.


Corporation permits are held annually and expire on December 31st.  Renewal of corporate permits are from October 1st to December 1st. At each renewal corporations must show that they continue to meet the College’s requirements to engage in occupational therapy. All corporations that are registered with the College must display their permit.


Current corporations registered with the College include:


Harbourside Rehabilitation Inc (PO BOX)

Lloyd Richard Occupational Therapy Services Ltd (home)

OT Health Incorporated (home)


All Corporation requirements can be found under the College of Occupational Therapists of Nova Scotia ACT and Professional Regulations.  Corporation responsibilities including notifying the College of changes to named occupational therapy providers, changes to directors, and maintaining appropriate records.

Other resources for professional corporations